Happy Mother's Day!
Here's one for all the parents and friends of parents out there!
These mums who make up the comedy group BreakWomb have a great sense of humour about the way they talk to their kids. If you're not already in a stage of life wherein your friends are starting to pop out babies (or you, yourself are doing it) then either fear not or fear a lot: it's coming soon. And so is this kind of conversation.
These mums who make up the comedy group BreakWomb have a great sense of humour about the way they talk to their kids. If you're not already in a stage of life wherein your friends are starting to pop out babies (or you, yourself are doing it) then either fear not or fear a lot: it's coming soon. And so is this kind of conversation.
Other videos the BreakWombs have made include "If Moms Ate Like Their Kids" and "If Moms Reacted Like Their Kids". Oooh boy.
Be honest, mums and dads. Have you talked to your kids like this today? Hehe. Awesome.
Be honest, mums and dads. Have you talked to your kids like this today? Hehe. Awesome.