Morgan Freeman's voice is so smooth, so calming, that he has portrayed God in film not once, but twice. He even narrated the Tom Cruise-lead War of the Worlds, as an omniscient, all-knowing, body-less voice. That's rather God-like too, no?
We can think of no one more perfect to help us all navigate through unknown streets, terrain, and traffic, and to help us all keep our cool on the road.
And now he's doing it!
We can think of no one more perfect to help us all navigate through unknown streets, terrain, and traffic, and to help us all keep our cool on the road.
And now he's doing it!
How To Get Morgan Freeman as Your Navigator on Waze GPS Navigation
Before doing anything else, install the Waze app on your smartphone and make sure it is updated to the latest version.Go to Settings
For Android:
For iOS:
For Android:
- Go to Settings > Sound> Voice Language? Morgan Freeman.
For iOS:
- Tap on the Waze icon and go to Settings in the in lower left-hand corner of the screen. Now tap on the gear icon given in the left corner.
- Tap the gear symbol and go to Sound>Voice Language> eng-Morgan Freeman.
GPS Voice Wish List
Personally, I had never considered Morgan Freeman as the narrator for my journeys. I always wanted Daria. Or Yoda. Or Gordon Ramsey would have been pretty funny (albeit stressful).
Okay, maybe not Gordon Ramsey. If you could choose anyone, whose voice do you wish was your GPS navigator? Let us know in the comments!